Sequoia Families is a non-denominational adoptive family support community that serves all domestic and international adoptive families, at all stages of the adoption experience in the northern Chicagoland and Illinois area. The name “Sequoia Families” comes from Sequoia trees which grow up to 300 ft. despite having a shallow root system. The Sequoia tree survives by entwining its roots with the other trees for strength and support. In the same way, adoptive families also do not have a strong root system but can grow strong with the support and love from other adoptive families.
Adoption can be beautiful and miraculous, complex and courageous, and as anything God ordained, a sacrifice—humbling and hard. Sequoia Families allows you to put on your own oxygen mask to allow you to maintain your focus and find the ways to steer your family through the storms. We provide education, emotional support and celebration for your unique and wondrous families.
If you would like to hear more about Sequoia families or learn about forming your own group in your area, contact us here.